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43127 search results for 'The S.S. Corrientes'
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The Wind Was Boisterous There Was Rain and the Ribble Looked Most Uninviting With the Rising Tide

Date: December 1968

Volume: 41

Issue: 426

The wind was boisterous, there was rain, and the Ribble looked most uninviting with the rising tide.... We watched them going through the drill from the comfort of the boathouse look-out.'. - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

The Centenary Dinner

Date: December 1924

Volume: 25

Issue: 282

A DINNER in celebration of the Institu- tion's Centenary was held at the Hotel Cecil, on 2nd July, 1924. H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, K.G. (the Institution's President) presided, and those present numbered 478, among them being...

Category: Articles

Meetings of the Committee

Date: October 1855

Volume: 02

Issue: 18

Thursday, 29th March, 1855. THOMAS BARING, Esq., M.P., in the Chair.

Bead and confirmed the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance and Correspondence and the Wreck and Reward...

Category: Committee

The Annual Meeting

Date: June 1936

Volume: 30

Issue: 326

THE hundred and twelfth Annual Meeting of the governors of the Institution was held at the Central Hall, Westminster, at 3 P.M. on Wednesday, 6th May. Some 1,800 people were present.

H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, K.G., as...

Category: Meetings

While the Farmer's Sons and Policemen Tried to Calm and Control Those Waiting With An Incoming Tide Time Was Against Them

Date: Autumn 1976

Volume: 44

Issue: 458

. . . while the farmer's sons and policemen tried to calm and control those waiting. With an incoming tide, time was against them.. - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

The Southern Africa Branch

Date: July 1948

Volume: 32

Issue: 346

LAST year the Institution received from its Southern Africa Branch £1,500.

Since the branch was established at a meeting in Cape Town in February, 1942, it has contributed £33,000. The first of three motor...

Category: Branches

News from the Branches. 1st August to 31st October, 1935

Date: December 1935

Volume: 29

Issue: 324

1st August to 31st October, 1935.

Greater London.

CLAPHAM.—Whist drive, with address by the assistant district organizing secretary.

HAYES.—Annual meeting on 31st October. Speaker :...

Category: Branches

The Three Sisters

Date: November 1872

Volume: 08

Issue: 86

A fear- ful gale was experienced on this coast on the 30th September, 1871. In the midst of the storm an Italian barque, the Three Sisters, became a complete wreck, attended with an agonizing and consider- able loss of life. After a most...

The H.M.S. Dryad

Date: May 1915

Volume: 23

Issue: 256

On the 21st October the Life-boat John A. Hay was launched in response to signals of distress from H.M.S. Dryad. A strong S.E. breeze was blowing at the time with a rough sea, and the weather was dark and showery. When the Life- boat reached...

Notes of the Quarter

Date: March 1959

Volume: 35

Issue: 387

IN 1958, for the third year in succession, life-boats were launched on service more than 700 times. The total number of launches was 714, or two fewer than the figure for 1957. Before 1956 there were only two years in which lifeboats were...

Category: Articles