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25438 search results for 'Yacht Gan'
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H.M. Minesweeper Canton

Date: February 1916

Volume: 23

Issue: 259

— H. M. Mine- Sweeper Canton ran aground on the Newcome Sands in a strong E.N.E.

breeze and rough sea, on the 27th May.

j Signals of distress were made as the sea was breaking over her...

The Shipwreck

Date: November 1873

Volume: 08

Issue: 90

A shattered bark, and an angry sky, And the storm-wraith shrieking fierce and high, And, aye and anon, from the murky cloud, The thunder echoing hoarse and loud ! Oh! little ship, that at dawn of day Didst gaily sail from thy native bay,...

Category: Poetry


Date: June 1938

Volume: 30

Issue: 334

New Brighton, Cheshire.—At 6.4 P.M.

on the 15th January, 1938, the coastguard reported that a small vessel was in distress five miles W.N.W. of Bar Buoy, and that the steamer Millais was standing by. This was confirmed by...

A Vampire Jet Aircraft

Date: Winter 1953

Volume: 33

Issue: 364

Dungeness, and Dover, Kent; and Hastings, Sussex.—About 9.25 on the night of the 18th of December, 1952, the Dungeness life-boat Charles Cooper Henderson had just returned from a service launch to a steamer aground a mile east of the...

New Ways of Raising Money

Date: June 1966

Volume: 39

Issue: 416

Collecting house flags of various shipping lines is the hobby of Mr. C. M. Pope, who lives near Sherborne in Dorset. For each flag received he sends a contribution to the R.N.L.I., this "consideration money" amounting to an average...

Category: Donations

Irish Ash

Date: 1942

Volume: War Years

Issue: 1942

SILVER MEDAL SERVICE AT BALLYCOTTON DECEMBER 23RD. - BALLY-COTTON, CO. CORK. At nine in the morning a message was received at the station that a vessel was in distress about five miles south of Power Head. She could be seen from Ballycotton,...


Date: December 1963

Volume: 37

Issue: 406

INJURED MAN LANDED FROM GERMAN TRAWLER Wick, Caithness-shire. At 10.45 p.m.

on Tuesday the 13th of August, 1963, the Wick coastguard told the honorary secretary that the German trawler Hansaet of Hamburg had broken down...

Under the Shelter

Date: March 1948

Volume: 32

Issue: 345

The remote control, or extension, beside the mechanic's head as he sits at his controls. The cable for his transmitting microphone can be seen. The microphone itself is tucked into a box beside him. On the extension itself arc the... - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

November (1)

Date: 1940

Volume: War Years

Issue: 1940

NOVEMBER MEETING MARGATE, KENT. About eight, in the morning of 12th June, 1940, two men and a boy, who were out fishing in a motor boat near the East Margate buoy, saw two aeroplanes fighting seven miles to the N.E., and one of the...

Category: Services

Medal of the Royal National Life-Boat Institution, For the Preservation of Life from Shipwreck

Date: May 1910

Volume: 21

Issue: 236


Obverse.—Bust of His Majesty KING EDWARD VII. Double Legend: "Royal National Life-boat Institution. Founded in 1824. Incorporated 1860. King Edward VII. Patron."...

Category: Medals