Over the weekend of May 17 and 18, 185 motor cruisers from 16 boat clubs on the River Thames assembled for Twickenham and District branch's 21st annual inter-club regatta at The Queen's Promenade, Kingston-upon-Thames. After an... - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
Last year, Penarth trainee Crew Member Simon Marchant completed more than 40 marathons in Wales
over 41 days, raising a fantastic £779 for the RNLI. Simon set off with a goal of running an average of 26.2 miles a day (the...
Category: Articles
INJURED MAN TAKEN OFF MOTOR VESSEL Aldeburgh, Suffolk. At 10.38 on the morning of the 2nd August, 1962, the honorary secretary at Lowestoft passed on to the honorary secretary at Aldeburgh a report from the Lowestoft port medical officer...
WITH THE placing of an order for two new steel life-boats, the first of their kind, the R.N.L.I.'s major programme of new construction has been significantly advanced. The two new boats, which are each 50 feet in length, are being built...
Category: Articles
SICK MAN TAKEN TO MAINLAND St. Mary's, Scilly Islands. At 11.40 on the morning of the 6th January, 1962, a local doctor asked the honorary secretary if the life-boat could take a man to Penzance for an emergency operation for acute...
MAN TAKEN OFF NORWEGIAN FREIGHTER Salcombe, Devon. At 6.40 on the evening of the 6th August 1962, the honorary secretary received a message from the Commander-in-Chief, Plymouth, that a man and his boat had been picked up by the Norwegian...
Coxswain John Fox (right) and his son Michael were both in the crew of Shoreham Lifeboat Dorothy and Philip Constant when, on August 5, Albin Ballad and her crew of three were rescued during a south westerly gale force 9. Coxswain Fox, who... - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
Celebrating the RNLI family, past and present
From volunteers to rescuees
Mike and Jan King have fundraised for a quarter of a century – but never thought they would be on the...
Category: Articles
Annual Meetings.
ALNWICK.—On 15th February, Canon Manby presided in the absence of the Chairman, Sir Francis E. Walker, Bt. The Treasurer's report for the year ended 30th September, 1922, which was carried, showed the...
Category: Branches
DURING the last days of 1917 the Clacton-on-Sea and Walton-on-Naze Life-boats performed two splendid ser- vices, well worthy of the traditions of the Royal National Life-Boat Institu- tion, and resulting in the rescue of no less than 115...
Category: Articles