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25438 search results for 'Yacht Gan'
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Aneroid Barometers

Date: November 1883

Volume: 12

Issue: 130

Iltestratton of the Fisheriaaa's Aneroid Barometer as issued bj the National Life-boat Institution.

Its Dial or Face, which is enamelled, is five inches in diameter, being half an inch larger tifta the ordinary Mi-sized...

Category: Advertisement


Date: March 1969

Volume: 41

Issue: 427

Mr. J. P. Morris, of Coventry, who is a member of the Life-boat Enthusiasts' Society, was quick to spot an inaccuracy in the caption to the photograph of the Workington life-boat which appeared on page 493 of the December, 1968, issue Of...

Category: Articles

Cromarty Life-Boat Crew Row to Help of Lorry Drivers

Date: June 1962

Volume: 37

Issue: 400

In this act of rescue during floods members of the Cromarty life-boat crew were helped by the police. - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs

To the President, from the Gold Coast

Date: November 1933

Volume: 29

Issue: 316

SOME years ago reference was made in The Life-boat to letters which had been received from the Gold Coast, in one of which the writer, evidently under the impression that the Institution was a general stores, asked for its catalogues, and...

Category: Correspondence

The Unseaworthy Ships' Commission

Date: November 1873

Volume: 08

Issue: 90

THE Royal Commission appointed at the instance of Mr. Plimsoll " to inquire into the alleged unseaworthiness of British registered ships," has issued a " pre- liminary" report. The report is signed by all the...

Category: Articles

News from the Branches

Date: December 1923

Volume: 25

Issue: 280

DOUGLAS (!SLE OF MAN).-—Life-boat Sunday was held on 5th August, on Douglas Head, and a record congrega- tion assembled. The prayers were said by the Rev. A. C. McNeal, the vicar of St. Ninian's. The lesson was read by Colonel Madoc,...

Category: Branches

A Life-Boat Song

Date: June 1929

Volume: 27

Issue: 298

WE wish to draw the attention of all readers of The Life-boat to a song called " The Life-boatman," the words and music of which have been written by Mr. Louis Drakeford. This song is being published, under the auspices of the...

Category: Articles

The Daunt Lightship

Date: June 1936

Volume: 30

Issue: 326

BaUycotton, Co. Cork.—This motor lifeboat was on service from the llth February to the 14th February, and rescued the crew of eight of the Daunt Lightship.—Rewards, gold medal, silver and bronze medals with vellums, binocular glass, letters...

Additional Stations and New Life-Boats

Date: February 1903

Volume: 18

Issue: 207

HENDON, SUNDERLAND.—As the re- sult of a shipwreck, with loss of life, at Ryhope Point, Sunderland, the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION has, on the strong representation of the Local Committee, formed a Life-boat station at Hendon Beach...

Category: Articles

The Oil Exploration Vessel Oregis and Northsider

Date: Summer 1974

Volume: 43

Issue: 449

Tug on rocks AN ENGINE breakdown just as she had cast off her tugs on her final trials resulted in the oil exploration vessel Oregis going aground at the entrance to the Tyne. It was 1530 on Sunday, March 10. Tynemouth honorary secretary was...