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25438 search results for 'Yacht Gan'
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Classified Advertisements

Date: Summer 1977

Volume: 45

Issue: 461

Classified Advertisements Entries undei ACCOMMODATION are offered at the special rate of £6.00 for up to 50 words, including address and phone number. Additional words at 20p each.

Other Classifications are at 20p per...

Category: Advertisement

Awards to Coxswains Crews and Shore Helpers

Date: Winter 1983

Volume: 48

Issue: 483

The following coxswains, members of lifeboat crews and shore helpers were awarded certificates of sen-ice on their retirement and. in addition, those entitled to them by the Institution's regulations, were awarded an annuity, gratuity or...

Category: Awards

Frederick Carel

Date: February 1886

Volume: 13

Issue: 139

RAMSGATE and DEAL. — Signals were made by the Goodwin and Gull lightships, during a fresh S.E. gale and a heavy sea, on the morning of the 31st of October.

At the same time a large flare was seen in the direction of the...

Lifeboat Lottery

Date: Winter 2006

Volume: 60

Issue: 575

The winter 2005 Lifeboat Lottery raised almost £750,000 for the RNLI - thank you! Once again, the quarterly Lifeboat Lottery has broken all records, bringing 2005's total Lottery income to an extraordinary...

Category: Articles

Awards to Coxswains and Life-Boatmen

Date: November 1922

Volume: 24

Issue: 277

To WM. HENRY TRIPP, on his retirement, after serving 12J years as Bowman, 3J years as Second Coxswain, and nearly 14 years as Coxswain of the Porthoustock Life-boat, a Framed Certificate of Service and a Pension.


Category: Awards

The Fishing Trawlers Junella and St Jasper

Date: Spring 1982

Volume: 48

Issue: 480

Two medical calls BELFAST COASTGUARD informed the honorary secretary of Portrush lifeboat station at 1505 on Sunday November 15, 1981, that a seaman was critically ill aboard the fishing trawler Junella, nine miles north east of Portrush; he...

H.M. Trawler British

Date: 1939

Volume: War Years

Issue: 1939

SILVER MEDAL SERVICE AT YARMOUTH Nov. 14TH. - YARMOUTH, ISLE OF WIGHT. At 8.40 in the evening a message was received at the Yarmouth, Isle of Wight, station that a vessel was ashore off the Brighstone look-out.

A fresh...

Be back soon

Date: Autumn 2013

Volume: 61

Issue: 605 Lifeboat Magazine Autumn 2013

As you read this, an RNLI pager will probably be going off somewhere. Heads will turn to the ear-piercing beeps, adrenaline will pump and someone will be leaving in a hurry.

But what about the...

Category: Articles

Additional Stations and New Life-Boats

Date: November 1879

Volume: 10

Issue: 114

CAHORE, Co. WEXFORD.—The NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION has recently for- warded to the coast of Wexford a new Life-boat, which has been stationed at Cahore, in the place of the former Boat. It is 34 feet long, 8 feet wide, rows 10 oars...

Category: Articles

The Royal Commission on the Loss of Life at Sea

Date: August 1886

Volume: 13

Issue: 141

THE " First Report" of this Royal Commission shows clearly the necessity for its appointment, for it contains authoritative evidence of an alarming waste of both life and property in the greatest source of the country's wealth...

Category: Articles