review by John francis, lifeboat Enthusiasts’ Society Honorary Secretary
I have had the privilege of evaluating the DVD version of this archive of 580 issues ofthe Lifeboat and found it very easy to use. There are...
Category: Articles
IN THE PAST FEW YEARS, the RNLI has been exploring the possibilities of introducing intermediate lifeboats into its fleet: fast boats of about 35 feet in length, essentially simple but with outstanding seakeeping qualities, which would...
Category: Articles
BRIGHSTONE GRANGE, ISLE OF WIGHT.— The Worcester Cadet Life-boat was launched at 8.20 P.M. on the 3rd January, 1884, signal guns of distress having been heard in the direction of the " Atherfield Ledge" rocks during a thick fog and...
Category: Services
Coxswain Walter McPhee and crew members of Wick lifeboat picked the winning tickets in the 76th RNLI lifeboat lottery.. - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
THE DUKE OF KENT, President of the Institution, visited the RNLI headquarters and depot at Poole on Tuesday morning, October 7, attended by his Private Secretary, Lt-Cdr Richard Buckley, and accompanied by HM Lieutenant for Dorset, Col Sir...
Category: Articles
THE exact position which the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION occupies with regard to keeping a watch for casualties seems to be very little understood by the general public, the result being that on several occasions the Coxswains of...
Category: Articles
FILEY, YORKSHIRE.—At 6 A.M. on the 23rd March the fishing-boats engaged in crab-fishing put to sea for the purpose of hauling up their crab pots. The wind at the time was blowing strongly from the E.N.E.; later in the morning it increased....
Category: Services
On September 1, 1976, Walmer ILB and 37' 6" Rother lifeboat Hampshire Rose went to the help of yacht Ay Bee Gee, holed by a baulk of timber.
First, crew members helped her skipper, a Shoreline member who also helps... - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
His Royal Highness Prince Philip, one of the first visitors to the RNLI stand, was shown the Atlantic 21 by Major-General Ralph Farrant, chairman of the Institution, and an ILB crew member from Southwold, Roger Trigg.. - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
Rosslare Harbour, and Kilmore, Co. Wexford.
—A message was received at Rosslare at 4.55 P.M. on the 3rd March, 1939, that an Irish Air Force seaplane had come down in the sea off Carnsore Point.
A S.S.E....