SEPTEMBER 16TH. - CLACTON - ON - SEA, ESSEX. At 11.45 A.M. an aeroplane was seen to crash into the sea, and at 11.52 A.M. the motor life-boat Edward Z. Dresden was launched. A light northerly breeze was blowing and the sea was calm. Four...
LVIII. SUNDERLAND.—The Good Templar, 30 feet by 8 feet, 8 oars.
LIX. Ditto.—The Mary, 30i feet by 8J feet, 10 oars.
LX. Ditto.—The Florence Nightingale, 33 feet by 8 feet, 10...
Category: Articles
Capsize drill: in practice, the crew remain in the Atlantic as she is hauled over bycrane so that they will fall beneath the hull, where they would probably be should the boat be capsized at sea.
In an inverted state the... - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
No. 1. The Manchester and Salford Sunday Schools, 32 feet long, 7 feet 6 inches beam, 10 oars.
No. 2. The John Turner- Turner, 35 feet long, 9 feet...
Category: Articles
1 ,ives saved.
Akaba, s.s,, of Liverpool 3o Alabama, Vvarqae, ot Tonsberg ... 8 Albatross, barque, of Hernosan 1 —landed crew from the Tongue light venae!.
Albert H. Locke, brig, of Sund rlaiu 10 Albert...
Category: Services
THERE has been a Life-boat at Cresswell, on the Northumbrian coast, for the last fifty years. What manner of place it is was described by the then Hon. Secre- tary in an article which appeared in! The Lifeboat in February,...
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Category: Services
Launches 42 Lives rescued 16 APRIL 1ST. - NEWBIGGIN, NORTHUMAPRIL BERLAND. At 1.40 in the afternoon the coastguard reported that the local fishing coble Fisher Lass was overdue. There was a dense fog, and a heavy swell was breaking on the...
Category: Services
IT will doubtless be in the memory of some of our readers that in April, 1886, the General Committee of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION ap- pointed a sub-committee to inquire into the practicability of applying steam to Life-boats....
Category: Articles