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43127 search results for 'The S.S. Corrientes'
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The S.S. Edith Owen

Date: August 1879

Volume: 10

Issue: 113

CEMLYN AND CEMAES, ANGLESEY.—On the 27th January, the s.s. Edith Owen, of London, bound from Bristol to Liverpool with a general cargo, struck on the Coal Kock, off the coast of Anglesey, during foggy weather, the wind blowing moderately...

The S.S. Muristan

Date: February 1917

Volume: 23

Issue: 262

In the meantime tragic occurrences were taking place at Blyth. The s.s. Muristan, a steel steamer belonging to Swansea, while bound from the Tyne to Rouen, ran ashore in Blyth Bay.

On the night of the 18th her steeringgear...

The S.S. Lesrix

Date: 1942

Volume: War Years

Issue: 1942

JANUARY 26TH. - NEWBURGH, AND ABERDEEN, ABERDEENSHIRE. On the 25th January a very heavy storm of wind and snow broke on the coast. All roads and railways became blocked with snow, making traffic impossible, and telephone wires were broken....

The S.S. Don

Date: July 1952

Volume: 33

Issue: 361

Humber, Yorkshire.—At 9.45 on the night of the 21st of January, 1952, the Spurn Point coastguard telephoned that the S.S. Don, of Goole, which was at anchor half a mile west of the Middle Light Buoy, had reported that her second officer had...

The S.S. Castilian

Date: 1943

Volume: War Years

Issue: 1943

BRONZE MEDAL SERVICE AT HOLYHEAD FEBRUARY 12TH - 13TH. - HOLYHEAD, ANGLESEY. In the early hours of the 12th of February the S.S. Castilian, a 3,000-ton ship of the Ellerman Papayanni Company, entered Church Bay, and let go two anchors. She...

The S.S. Hudson Sound

Date: September 1963

Volume: 37

Issue: 405

SICK MAN TAKEN OFF STEAMER Cromer, Norfolk. At 5.10 on the afternoon of the 5th April, 1963, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that a member of the crew of the s.s. Hudson Sound of London was suffering from a severe pain under a...

S.S. Turkia

Date: April 1940

Volume: 31

Issue: 341

Swanage, Dorset.—At 8.18 A.M. Oil the 20th October, 1939, the Swanage coastguard reported that the Greek steamer s.s. Turkia had grounded one mile and a half N.W. by W. of St.

Albans Head, but was not flying distress...

The S.S. Allurity

Date: Autumn 1950

Volume: 33

Issue: 356

Bembridge, Isle of Wight.—About 4.15 in the morning on the 8th of November, 1950, the S.S. Allurity, of London, a tanker of 813 tons, wirelessed that she had a fire in her engine-room. Shortly after 7.0 the Foreland coastguard reported that...

S.S. Queensbury

Date: 1941

Volume: War Years

Issue: 1941

JUNE 6TH. - MONTROSE ANGUS, AND GOURDON, KINCARDINESHIRE. At one in the morning the Montrose station heard from the coastguard that a convoy was being attacked by enemy aeroplanes thirteen miles E. 3/4 N. from Scurdyness, and at six minutes...

The S.S. Alba

Date: April 1938

Volume: 30

Issue: 333

The SS Alba. - View image in PDF

Category: Photographs