AT 8.30, in the evening of 21st November, 1927, the Motor Life-boat at Great Yarmouth and Gorleston was launched in response to a wireless message received from s.s. Trent that help was urgently required to save the lives of the crew of the...
A helping hand After leaving the River Crouch on 22 October 19951 unfortunately crossed the Swallow Tail Spit too close to the buoy at 1530, two hours before low water, and went aground.
The sea was calm and apart from...
Category: Correspondence
A Big Thank You from the Anniversary Project Manager So that's it. 1999 has come and gone and the 175th anniversary is now officially over. Only the Scots carried on with the celebrations right up to the official birthday of 4 March 2000...
Category: Articles
(Right) The 52ft Arun lifeboat Sir William Arnold, second in her class, was sen! to St Peter Port in 1973.. - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
Three calls A CANOE with two children aboard, overdue on passage from Colne Point to West Mersea, was reported to the deputy launching authority of West Mersea ILB station by Thames Coastguard at 2006 on Monday July 31,...
Anstruther - Mersey class Kingdom of Fife The picturesque Fife harbour of Anstruther basked in glorious sunshine on 29 May 1992 for the launch of the station's new lifeboat Kingdom of Fife by HRH The Duchess of...
Category: Inaugurations
AT 8.30, in the evening of 21st November, 1927, the Motor Life-boat at Great Yarmouth and Gorleston was launched in response to a wireless message received from s.s. Trent that help was urgently required to save the lives of the crew of the...
Award of the Silver Medal.
DURING the twelve days from the 21st January to the 1st February. 1937 the worst gales within living memory blew at Aberdeen, and the south break- water of the harbour was washed...
Category: Services
By C. V. FABRICIUS, Manager of the North Jutland Life-Boat Institution.
THE Danish Life-Boat Institution, as at present organised, was established by the Act of 26th March, 1852.
It is an institution...
Category: Articles
IN presenting to Parliament the Wreck Register and Chart for the year 1873—4, the BOARD OF TRADE observe that it has been found advisable to make up its tables from the 1st July to the 30th June, instead of from the 1st January to the 31st...
Category: Articles