THE Life-boatmen who had been awarded the Gold and Silver Medals of the Institution in recognition of gallant services during 1914 were present at the Annual Meeting on the 21st April, and were introduced to the Chairman. In the case of...
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WITH THE placing of an order for two new steel life-boats, the first of their kind, the R.N.L.I.'s major programme of new construction has been significantly advanced. The two new boats, which are each 50 feet in length, are being built...
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Supported solely by Voluntary Contributions.
Patrons His Majesty the King,
Her Majesty the Queen
Her Majesty Queen...
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In a lifetime of sailing and the sea, participation and service have gone hand in hand.7 have always been interested in boats that would go faster than their wave length speed . . .'FOR MAJOR-GENERAL RALPH FARRANT a constant search for...
Category: Articles
North-East of England, South-East of England, and North-West of England.
TEN years ago the first conference of honorary workers was held in the North of England and although the practice of holding them regularly was not...
Category: Meetings
Sailing loan interest rates reduced for Shoreline members Now, as a Shoreline member, you're in a privileged position when it comes to financing your sailing.
Shoreline Sailing Loans are available to members from...
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Sailing Chanty.
BY CAPTAIN Q. C. A. CRAUFURD, R.N., honorary secretary of the Dungeness life-boat station.
" It seemed scarcely possible that the life-boat could reach the ketch before she broke up....
Category: Songs
AT the report stage and third reading of the Rating and Valuation (Miscel- laneous Provisions) Bill in the House of Lords on the 21st of July, 1955, Earl Howe, Deputy Chairman of the Insti- tution, moved, after clause 7, to insert the...
Category: Articles
Lifeboatmen transferred to Belgian yacht in gale and heavy seas A joint service by Southwold's Atlantic 21 class lifeboat Quiver and Lowestoft's Tyne Spirit of Lowestoft has won two lifeboatmen framed letters of thanks from the...
WITH a view to the interchange of ideas and suggestions as to the " Life-boat Saturday" movement, a conference took place in the rooms of the Society of Arts, Adelphi, on the afternoon of the 2nd May. Representatives were present...
Category: Meetings