The lifeboat volunteer, a teacher himself, wasn’t happy: ‘Nothing makes me more cross than giving up my time and having to suffer bad teaching. Now we’re to be guinea pigs for some new first aid training …’
In 2007, John...
Category: Articles
A right royal occasion at PlymouthThe poor weather didn't dampen spirits when HM The Queen named Plymouth's new £2M Severn class lifeboat on 23 July 2003. The Duke of Edinburgh accompanied The Queen at Queen Anne's Battery...
Category: Articles
Once an RNLI supporter, always a RNLI supporter! When Mrs J. B. Wilson, who had worked within the ranks of Colwyn Bay branch since 1965, settled with her family in Hong Kong she asked HQ if she could start a branch there. With the dedicated...
Category: Articles
Now, charity begins at work There's a new way of giving to the RNLI, called Give As You Earn. You join at work and it makes the money you give worth more.
That's because the donation is taken out of your pay by your...
Category: Donations
Eight men plucked from fishing vesselCoxswain Albert Sutherland of the Fraserburgh lifeboat City of Edinburgh has been awarded the thanks of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution inscribed on vellum following a service in which the...
Thursday, 19th November, 1935.
Sir GODFREY BARING, St., in the chair.
Resolved that Mr. F. J. Terry, M.A., be appointed joint district organizing secretary for Greater London.
Reported ...
Category: Committee
WE are very glad to record the founding of another Life-boat Service. It is in Iceland, is a voluntary Service like'our own, and makes the number of National Life-boat Services seventeen, of which number four are maintained by the State,...
Category: Articles
On the after- noon of 12th November, two vessels, the schooner Island Maid, of Belfast, and the brigantine Angele, of Brest, while endeavouring to enter Padstow Harbour, in a strong "W.N.W. gale accompanied by a heavy sea, struck on the...
Who could help you find a lifeboat, build a scale model of one or even uncover the adventures of a former lifesaving craft?
There’s one branch of the RNLI whose members are brought together not...
Category: Articles
to -voluntary zvorkers at the 1998 Annual Presentation of Awards Since the last Annual Presentation of Awards Meeting, the Committee of Management has awarded three Honorary Life Governorships, 10 Bars to the Gold Badge and 50 Gold Badges....
Category: Awards