O There cannot be many works of fiction based on the lifeboat service and of these few are likely to ring true to the men who man the boats. Although the majority of people would say that they are well acquainted with the RNLI, its lifeboats...
Category: Articles
WHEN PLANNING the Shoreline appeal to fund a 37'6" Rother Lifeboat to be named RNLB Shoreline, the first target set was £100,000 by the time the boat is ready to launch for her initial trials.
That target is...
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the catamaran ferry lists heavily, her port hull holed and flooded. - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
Three saved from cruiser on lee shore The rescue of three people from a disabled 25ft motor cruiser, which was only minutes from being driven on to a lee shore in large seas on the Norfolk coast, has earned Coxswain Anthony Jordon of Wells...
Oh dear, oh deer On 21 May Bridlineton's D class lifeboat Bridlington's was launched after two deer from a nearby park took to the water when chased by dogs.
We reproduce the station honorary secretary's report...
Swimmers rescued from surf-swept pier supports The Chief of Operations has written to congratulate crew member Steven Tester of Littlehampton's Atlantic 21 Blue Peter I following the rescue of two swimmers on 16 July...
Search in fog THICK FOG had descended on Scarborough when, on the night of Saturday July 27, 1985, the lifeboat station's honorary secretary received a report that red flares had been sighted some 2'/2 to 3 miles south of the...
Walton and Frinton is often described in the tourist brochures as a peaceful seaside resort but it provides a different picture when there are gale-force winds blowing off the North Sea.. - View image in PDF
Category: Photographs
THIRTY-EIGHT life-boatmen, from English, Scottish, Irish and Welsh stations were invited to attend the annual meeting in London, on 26th April, to receive medals and vellums awarded to them for gallantry during the previous year. This is the...
Category: Articles
IntO tHe Cauldron Few people would risk swimming 30m through churning seas, surrounded by rocks – but that’s exactly what an RNLI lifeguard did in her bid to save a life South of Cornwall’s popular Perranporth beach, a gully lies in amongst...
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