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Personal Gallantry

The Institution has awarded its silver medal to Robert Harland, of its Whitby crew, who dived overboard from the life-boat on 23rd. February, in a heavy, confused sea at the harbour mouth and rescued a fisherman who had been washed out of his boat and was drifting by unconscious. The Carnegie Hero Trust Fund has awarded him an honorary certificate and £15. On that day the Whitby life-boat went out six times to the help of the fishing fleet, driven home by the gale, and escorted eight of the boats across the bar and into harbour. Coxswain Harry Murfield has been awarded the bronze medal, and he and his crew £28.

The motor mechanic at Walmer, C. P. Cavell, who won the thanks on vellum in 1945 for bringing the life-boat ashore single-handed in a rough sea, has been awarded it again for rescuing one of the crew of the life-boat who fell overboard when she was alongside a steamer. In hauling him in Cavell was in danger himself of being crushed between the two..