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District Inspectors

Captain G. R. Cousins, D.S.C., R.N., who has returned to the Institution from the Navy, has been appointed to the Southern District. During the war he helped to build the Lyness base in Scapa Flow and then took command of H.M.S. "Churchill", the first of the American destroyers which were transferred to the British Navy. He served in her for eighteen months in charge of an escort group in the North Atlantic. Later he was appointed to the staff of the Commander-in-Chief, Western Approaches, and at the end of 1943 was promoted acting captain and took command of a combined-operation base on the Clyde- Commander E. W. Middleton, R.N.V.R., who among other service during the war was on the staff of the Allied Naval Command Expeditionary Force for the Normandy Landings, and was congratulated for his fine work on the beaches, has joined the staff of the Institution, and been appointed to the Western District.

Lieut.-Commander W. L. G. Dutton, R.N.R., who was in command of minesweepers during the war, has also joined the staff of the Institution and been appointed to the Irish District..