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Medals for Devon Coxswains

Coxswain Edwin Distin, of Salcombe, who won the silver medal in the third month of the war, has now been awarded the bronze medal for rescuing the crew of an Admiralty salvage craft, in very heavy seas. His motor mechanic was ill, and his second motor mechanic had died that day, but he tound a retired mechanic to run the engines, and the honorary secretary of the station, Mr. H. W. Richards, filled the remaining place in the crew.

The Institution has 'also awarded its bronze medal to Coxswain Sydney Cann, of Appledore, and its thanks on vellum to Coxswain George Lamey, of Clovelly, for the rescue (as described in the last bulletin) of the crews ot two concrete caissons on their way to Normandy to form part of the breakwater of the invasion port..