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To the Help of the Invasion Port

Several life-boats have been to the help of sections of the great invasion port, built at Arroraanches on the coast of Normandy, when they were being towed to Fiance, Dungeness took out a relief crew and food to a "phoenix", or caisson, which had neither food nor water. Two days later the caisson's anchors were dragging and the life-boat went out again, in a gale at 60 miles an hour, and rescued the relief crew.

A cassion which was on her way from Liverpool to Normandy, broke from her tugs at the entrance to the Bristol Channel and was driven up channel by a south-westerly gale. The Appledore life-boat rescued her crew of seven.

On the next day in the same gale the Clovelly life-boat rescued the crew of eight of another caisson. These caissons were used to form the breakwater of the harbour..