The Duchess of Kent.
The Duchess of Kent, the new President of the Institution, was anxious to meet as many as possible of those who organise and carry on its work, and after the annual meeting on 8th. July a reception was held at the Savoy Hotel.
At this reception the Duchess met the Committee of Management, the Central London Women's Committee, the Committee of the City of London Branch, Honorary Life-Governors of the Institution and its principal officials. The Duchess was welcomed by Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., chairman of the Institution, and she made a short speech in which she said: ''I look forward after the war to meeting both the members of the Institution and the crews of the boats from many parts of the country, and to thanking them personally for their support, and their courageous deeds of , mercy in these critical years. Meanwhile, until this is possible, I would like to send my congratulations and good wishes to the crews, and my sincere thanks to all our supporters..