Coxswain Cross Again.
Coxswain Robert Cross, of the Humber, has won the Institution's gold medal for the second time since the war began. He has won it for rescuing the crew of a trawler which had stranded on a sandbank in a gale. There were heavy snow showers, a six-knot tide was running, and the trawler was smothered in the sems. The life-boat had to go alongside twelve times before she had rescued the men. She was flung against the trawler again and again. Her mast was broken, her stem smashed, her planking holed. Four days later, although her stem had not been replaced, she was out again and rescued eight more lives from another vessel. Besides the gold medal to Coxswain Cross, the Institution has awarded a silv«r medal to the motor mechanic and bronze medals to the five members of the crew..