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Medals Awarded to Life-boatmen

One George Medal, to COXSWAIN ROBERT CROSS, of The Humber.

Two Distinguished Service Medals to COXSWAIN HOWARD PRIMROSE COOPER KNIGHT, of Ramsgate, and COXSWAIN EDWARD DRAKE PARKER, of Margate (1940).

Four British Empire Medals, to : COXSWAIN WILLIAM SWANKIE, of Arbroath (1940), COXSWAIN HENRY GEORGE BLOGG, of Cromer (1941), COXSWAIN JAMES THOMSON, of Campbeltown (1942), COXSWAIN PATRICK MURPHY, of Newcastle, Co. Down (1942).

One George Cross, to COXSWAIN HENRY GEORGE BLOGG, of Cromer. This was not a war-award. It was in place of the Empire Gallantry Medal which, as a gold medallist of the Institution, COXSWAIN BLOGG had received in 1924, the Institution’s centenary year.

One coxswain, COXSWAIN JOHN MACLEOD, of Thurso (1944), and five honorary secretaries of life-boat stations, Mr. WALTER RIGGS, of Aldeburgh, Mr. GEORGE SCANTLEBURY, of Plymouth, Mr. G. L. THOMSON, of Stromness, Mr. W. W.

HARRIS, of New Brighton, and Mr. G. N. CRAIGHEAD, of Peterhead, were appointed Members of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire.

Two hundred and six 1939-1945 Stars were awarded to life-boatmen who had taken part in 25 or more launches on service.

Defence Medals were awarded to all other life-boatmen, on the enrolled lists of crews, who had served for not less than three years, but who did not qualify for the 1939-1945 Star..