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Life-boats Lost

The Hythe, Kent, life-boat did not return from Dunkirk. The Tynemouth life-boat was destroyed in her house by a bomb. Three new life-boats were destroyed by bombs in the building-yard at Cowes. The life-boats at St.

Helier, Jersey, and St. Peter Port, Guernsey, fell into the hands of the enemy.

St. Helier was repaired and returned to the fleet after the war. The St. Peter Port boat was not fit for further service.

Three life-boats were taken over by the Royal Navy and Royal Air Force, for rescue work ; Plymouth and Dover by the Navy and Aberdeen No. 2 by the Air Force. Plymouth was on duty as a naval auxiliary boat, for part of the time in Iceland. Dover was on air-sea rescue duty on the coasts of Great Britain. Aberdeen No. 2 was on duty in the Azores. Plymouth and Aberdeen No. 2 returned to the Life-boat Service after the war. Dover, after being taken over, was bought by the Navy..