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Two Royal Army Service Corps Motor Fishing Vessels

JUNE 4TH. - YARMOUTH, ISLE OF WIGHT. At 7.45 in the evening the Needles Signal Station telephoned that pilots had reported two vessels ashore on the Shingles Bank. A moderate south-westerly gale was blowing and the sea was rough. At eight o’clock the motor life-boat Langham, on temporary duty at the station, was launched, and found two Royal Army Service Corps motor fishing vessels ashore about the middle of the bank. They had run aground going to the help of an oil barge which had broken adrift from Yarmouth Roads. A destroyer was standing by. The life-boat took a line from her to one of the two vessels, but it parted. The crews decided to leave. It was a difficult business to rescue them. Seas were breaking over the vessels and the water was so shallow that several times the life-boat humped heavily on the shingle. Only after several attempts did she succeed in coming alongside them and taking off their crews, fifteen men in all. She arrived back at her station at 10.20 that night. As the tide rose the two vessels refloated and the destroyer towed them to Cowes. - Rewards, £8 15s..