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Two Fishing Cobles of Flamborough, The Doreen May and The Pioneer

NOVEMBER 7TH. - FLAMBOROUGH, YORKSHIRE. Two fishing cobles of Flamborough, the Doreen May and the Pioneer, were fishing off Flamborough Head. The weather was getting worse, and by eleven in the morning a north-easterly gale was blowing, with a rough sea. At 12.15 the motor life-boat Elizabeth and Albina Whitley was launched, and found the Doreen May a mile east of the life-boat station. She was making for harbour. The life-boat escorted her to the north landing. She then searched for the Pioneer and found her abreast of the lighthouse.

Her engine had broken down. She had three on board. The life-boat towed her to the south landing, and arrived back at her station at 2.45. - Rewards, £12 14s..