Three Fishing Drifters and The Scottish Drifter Coreopsis
NOVEMBER 5TH. - GREAT YARMOUTH AND GORLESTON, NORFOLK. At 11.17 in the morning the Gorleston coastguard reported a fishing drifter ashore a quarter of a mile south of the look-out. A light southsouth- east breeze was blowing and the sea was smooth, but it was very foggy. The motor life-boat Louise Stephens was launched at 11.25 and found three drifters ashore. Two refloated without help, but the skipper of the third, the Scottish drifter Coreopsis, asked the life-boat to lay out an anchor for him. This she did and the drifter pulled herself into deeper water and returned to harbour. The life-boat arrived back at her station at one that afternoon. - Property salvage case..