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Thea, of Groningen (1)

APRIL 2 8TH. - BRIDLINGTON AND FLAMBOROUGH, YORKSHIRE. On the night of the 27th the Dutch motor vessel Thea, of Groningen, bound with a cargo of china clay from Grangemouth to Antwerp, foundered in Bridlington Bay. She had eight on board. Six of them launched the ship’s boat, but as the Thea turned turtle her mast struck the boat and all six were thrown into the sea. One of them was the skipper’s wife.

They all succeeded in getting into the boat again and made land at Barmston. There they said that the other two men were adrift on a raft. The coastguard telephoned the information to the Bridlington life-boat station at 1.40 in the morning of the 28th, and at two o’clock the Bridlington motor life-boat Stanhope Smart was launched. A strong north-easterly wind was blowing, with a rather heavy sea. An hour later the Flamborough motor life-boat Elizabeth and Albina Whitley joined in the search. The boats searched a wide area, but found no trace of the men.

The Bridlington life-boat picked up and brought in an empty ship’s boat. She returned to her station at 7.45. The Flamborough life-boat reached her station at 7.50.

Rewards : Bridlington, £17 4s. 3d. ; Flamborough, £29 2s. 9d..