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The S.S. Torni, of Liverpool


At two in the afternoon the coastguard reported that the S.S. Torni, of Liverpool, had gone aground several miles south of Whitby Lighthouse. A fresh easterly breeze was blowing, with a moderate sea, and there was a thick fog. The No. 1 motor life-boat Mary Ann Hepworth was launched at 2.30 and found the steamer sixteen miles to the south on the north side of Hayburn Wyke. She was bound for West Hartlepool from Hamburg, loaded with timber. She had 32 on board including one passenger. The life-boat stood by her until high water. Then the coxswain went aboard and advised the master to abandon ship, but he and his crew preferred to stay on board. The life-boat took off the passenger and returned to her station at 9.30 that evening. At three in the afternoon of the 30th, the coastguard said that the owners wished the life-boat to go again to the Torni as at six o’clock tugs were to try and refloat her. The life-boat put out at 3.25 in a light south-east breeze, with a moderate sea, and reached the steamer about five o’clock.

The tugs failed to get her off and at eight o’clock the life-boat went alongside. At the captain’s request she took off nine of his crew and two tug officials and returned to Whitby, where she landed them at 10.30. - Rewards, first service, £18 0s. 6d. ; second service, £18 0s. 6d..