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The S.S. Leonidas S. Condylis, of Andros, Greece

SEPTEMBER 15TH. - DOUGLAS, ISLE OF MAN. At 8.40 in the morning the Ramsey coastguard reported a steamer in need of help off Douglas Head. A south-westerly breeze was blowing, and the sea was very rough.

The motor life-boat Millie Walton was launched at 9.5 and found the S.S. Leonidas S.

Condylis, of Andros, Greece, with her engine broken down, seven miles south-east of Douglas Head. She stood by, and, when another steamer arrived, passed a tow rope from her to the Greek steamer. She did it five times and each time the rope parted. Having nothing strong enough to tow with, the second steamer went on her way and the life-boat placed the Greek steamer on anchor, to await the arrival of a tug. She then returned to her station, which she reached at 11.10 that night. - Rewards, £20 10s..