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The S.S. J. P. Cressey (1)

NOVEMBER 24TH. - ST. DAVID’S, AND FISHGUARD, PEMBROKESHIRE. At 10.15 in the morning a message from the Land’s End Radio Station was received through the St. David’s coastguard that the S.S. Merganser had reported that the S.S. J. P.

Cressey had her engine-room flooded, and that she was in need of immediate help five miles west of The Smalls. A second message received from the coastguard at 11.38 said that no vessel was standing by her and that a tug which had been sent out was making heavy weather. A moderate but increasing southwesterly gale was blowing, with a rough sea.

The St. David’s motor life-boat Civil Service No. 6 was launched at 12.30. She found the J. P. Cressey and the tug, and helped to pass a towing hawser across. The master of the steamer and the tug’s skipper then told the coxswain that the life-boat’s services were no longer required, so she returned to her station arriving at six that evening. At 6.25 a message was received at the Fishguard life-boat station from the Fishguard coastguard that the tug and the J. P. Cressey were then twenty miles north-west of Strumble Head, and were making for Fishguard. The life-boat crew assembled at 7.5. At 8.5 another message came. The steamer had asked for the life-boat. The motor life-boat White Star was launched at 8.10. She found the tug and the steamer three miles north of Strumble Head. The steamer was sinking.

The life-boat escorted her into harbour.

After she had anchored the life-boat took off seventeen of her crew of twenty-nine and arrived back at her station at 12.26 in the morning of the 25th. - Rewards : St. Davids, £10 7s. ; Fishguard, £13 13s..