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The S.S.. Glamorganbrook, of London

OCTOBER 11TH. - WHITBY, AND SCARBOROUGH, YORKSHIRE. At 4.35 in the morning the Whitby coastguard reported a message from Cullercoats wireless station that the S.S.. Glamorganbrook, of London, bound for the Isle of Wight from Blyth, was making water fast five miles south of Whitby, and sending out SOS signals. A fresh northeasterly breeze was blowing, but the sea was smooth. The Whitby No. 1 motor life-boat Mary Ann Hepworth was launched at 5.6 and searched, but found nothing and arrived back at her station at 7.20. The Scarborough coastguard had reported the steamer’s distress signals at 5.3 to the Scarborough life-boat station and the motor life-boat Herbert Joy II was launched at 5.23. She found a ship’s life-boat with fifteen on board, two and a half miles north-east of Castle Hill, and learned that the Glamorganbrook had sunk with the loss of her captain. The life-boat took the survivors on board and towed the ship’s boat to Scarborough, arriving back at her station at 10.20 that morning. - Rewards : Whitby, £11 6s. 6d. ; Scarborough, £36 9s. 6d..