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The S.S. Blair Devon, of Glasgow


At 12.15 in the afternoon the South Gare Lighthouse telephoned that a vessel was in difficulties 200 yards north-east of the lighthouse. A northerly gale was blowing and the sea was rough. The life-boat crew assembled. They learnt that the steamer was the S.S. Blair Devon, of Glasgow, that her engine had broken down, and that she was holding by two anchors. At 2.45 the motor life-boat J. W. Archer was launched and put a pilot on board the steamer. A tug tried to take her in tow, but failed and left. The Blair Devon then got up her anchors and tried to make an offing, but failed. It was evident that she would not clear the Saltscar Rocks.

The life-boat then came to Teesmouth entrance, called for a tug and went back with her to the steamer. The tug towed the steamer to Hartlepool and the life-boat made for Middlesbrough, where she was left until the weather moderated. - Rewards, £15.