The Rowing Boats Dorothy II, and The Howdale
At 10.30 in the morning the coastguard telephoned that the rowing boat Dorothy II, about one mile east of North Cheek, Robin Hood’s Bay, was showing a coat on an oar. A strong south-south-west wind was blowing, with a moderate sea. The tide was ebbing. The No. 1 motor life-boat Mary Ann Hepworth was launched at 10.50 and found the boat being blown out to sea, with two exhausted young men on board.
She took them off and took their boat in tow.
Three men in a rowing boat, the Howdale, had put out from Robin Hood’s Bay to the help of the Dorothy II, but in that weather had not been able to do anything. This boat also the life-boat took in tow. She towed both boats to Robin Hood’s Bay, and returned to Whitby, but she had to wait for the tide and was not able to moor at the quay until three that afternoon. - Rewards, £6 6s.