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The R.A.S.C. Vessel M.O.B.7

OCTOBER 12TH. - RAMSEY, ISLE OF MAN. At 2.5 in the afternoon the coastguard reported that a vessel was continually blowing her siren one mile east of Maughold Head and at 2.22 confirmed that she was in distress. A moderate east-north-east breeze was blowing, with a moderate sea. The motor life-boat Lady Harrison was launched at 2.50 and found the R.A.S.C. vessel M.O.B.7 anchored one mile off Cornaa Beach. She had trouble with her boiler and the life-boat stood by until it had been repaired. She then escorted her to Douglas Bay, and arrived back at her station at 8.45 that evening.- Rewards, £38 0s. 6d..