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About 3.30 in the morning the local motor fishing boat Provider went out to haul crab pots. She was the only boat to leave as the weather was threatening. By nine o’clock the conditions at the harbour entrance were very dangerous, and at 9.25 the No. 1 motor life-boat Mary Ann Hepworth was launched, to await in the harbour the return of the Provider. A north wind was blowing, and the sea was very heavy. At 12.15 she saw the Provider approaching from the north. She put to sea and met her off the Bell Buoy and returned ahead of her. At the inner harbour bar she turned round in readiness for any emergency. As the Provider came to the outer bar she was buried by a very heavy sea, but recovered herself and came safely in.

The life-boat reached her station again at 1.10 that afternoon. - Rewards, £5 13s. 6d..