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Provider (3)


While the motor fishing vessel Provider was on passage in ballast from Caernarvon to Barmouth on the 26th of April, her engine broke down. When she was long overdue the coastguard reported her as missing to the Barmouth life-boat station at 1.31 in the afternoon of the 27th, and the motor life-boat Lawrence Ardern, Stockport was launched at 1.50. Aeroplanes also went out. A strong north-easterly wind was blowing and the sea was rough. The life-boat made a long search in the St. Patrick’s Causeway area, but could find nothing and arrived back at 9.10 that evening. A t Aberystwyth the life-boat crew had assembled on the evening of the 27th, but knowing that the Barmouth life-boat and aeroplanes were out, she did not launch, as she had no information of the position of the Provider.

The station kept in touch with the coastguard and the R.A.F., and at 3.15 in the afternoon of the 28th it learned that an aeroplane had seen the missing boat some fifteen to twenty miles south-west of Bardsey Island. At 3.40 the motor life-boat Frederick Angus was launched. She searched, but found nothing, and returned to her station at 2.40 next morning to refuel. She was about to put out again when news came that the boat had been found. The coastguard had also notified Pwllheli on the afternoon of the 28th and the motor life-boat John and Mary Meiklam of Gladswood was launched at 4.25. She too failed to find the Provider and arrived back at 11.30 that night. While the Aberystwyth and Pwllheli boats were out the coastguard suggested that the Fishguard life-boat, which was fitted with wireless, should join in the search, and at 10.17 that night, the 28th, the motor life-boat White Star was launched. A fresh easterly wind was then blowing, with a choppy sea. At 3.40 next morning, when about thirty-five miles north-north-east of Fishguard, she saw the light of an electric torch. It was from the Provider. She had been drifting helplessly for three days. The life-boat towed her into Fishguard, arriving at 10.30 in the morning of the 29th. The rescued men expressed their thanks and made a donation to the Institution. - Rewards : Barmouth, £19 17s. 6d. ; Aberystwyth, £35 7s. 6d. ; Pwllheli, £13 16s. ; Fishguard, £13 19s.