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AUGUST 28TH. - BEMBRIDGE, ISLE OF WIGHT. At 4.38 in the afternoon the Foreland coastguard telephoned that a pilot at Sea View had reported a boat being blown off shore in the direction of Horse Sand Fort.

A south-west gale was blowing, with a rough sea. The motor life-boat Jesse Lumb was launched at 4.57 and found the rowing boat Pop, from a holiday camp, west-south-west of Norman Fort. She was driving before the wind and half full of water. On board were a family of five, two of them children. The life-boat took them off and, with the small boat in tow, made for Ryde, where she landed them. She reached her station again at 7.45 that evening. The rescued sent a donation to the Institution. - Rewards, £8 11s. 9d..