Advanced search

None (25)

MAY 4TH. - TORBAY, DEVON. At 8.15 in the evening the coastguard reported that a boy had fallen over the cliffs near Berry Head and lay on a ledge of rock close to the water’s edge. At 8.40 the motor life-boat George Shee was launched, taking her boarding boat in tow. A moderate east-north-east breeze was blowing and the sea was breaking against the face of the cliff. The life-boat lay off and sprayed oil on the water. This reduced the breaking seas. Four life-boatmen then rowed the boarding boat to the foot of the cliffs.

They ran considerable risk. In the meantime a doctor, the boy’s father and a coastguard had been lowered down the cliffs to the ledge. They strapped the boy in a stretcher and, with much difficulty, placed him in the boarding boat, which took him out to the lifeboat.

She landed him at Brixham at 9.50.

He was taken to hospital where he died during the night. The parents of the boy sent a letter of appreciation and made a donation to the Institution.

It was a difficult service, carried out with fine seamanship and determination, and an increase in the usual money award on the standard scale was made to each member of the crew. - Standard rewards to crew and helpers, £9 9s. ; additional rewards to crew, £14 ; total rewards to crew and helpers, £45 6s..