Advanced search

Nancy Moran, of London and Nuculana

MAY 30TH. - WALMER, KENT. Shortly after five in the morning information was received through the coastguard that the South Goodwin Lightship had reported a collision.

The sea was smooth, but there was a thick fog, and the lightship could not see the ships.

The motor life-boat Charles Dibdin (Civil Service No. 2), was launched, with a doctor on board, at 5.45, and went to the lightship.

Here she found thirteen survivors of the crew of the steam tug Nancy Moran, of London. They had been picked up by two boats from the tanker Nuculana, which had run into her and sunk her, while she was at anchor. The life-boat took the thirteen men on board, towed the two boats back to the Nuculana and then brought the men ashore.

She put out again to search for six missing men of the tug, who, it was hoped, had got aboard the hopper, which the tug had had in tow. She found the hopper, but there was no one on board. She continued her search, but found no one. She then put life-boatmen on board the hopper, which was eventually towed into Dover by a tug, and after marking the position of the wreck, she returned to her station, arriving at eleven o’clock that morning.

- Rewards, £15 19s. 6d..