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Helping Hand, of Lowestoft


During the afternoon information was received through the coastguard that the motor fishing vessel Helping Hand, of Lowestoft, with seven on board, was in difficulties, but that a tug had gone to her aid. An easterly gale was blowing, with a very heavy sea. At 5.30 the trawler Brisbane, which then had the Helping Hand in tow, asked for the life-boat. The Helping Hand had broken her propeller shaft and was leaking. The motor life-boat Michael Stephens was launched at 5.45 and at seven o’clock found the two vessels a mile east of the East Newcombe Buoy. Both asked that the life-boat should remain by them, and on the advice of the coxswain they went ten miles to windward away from the sands.

Heavy seas broke aboard the three vessels, and it was so cold that the sea water froze on the life-boat. The tug, which had failed to find the vessel the previous night, arrived at five next morning and took the Helping Hand in tow. As the Helping Hand’s steering gear was damaged, the life-boat, at her master’s request, went with them to Lowestoft, where the Helping Hand was beached at 9.45. This was a long, cold service in bad weather, and the master thanked the life-boat crew for standing by throughout the night. - Property salvage case..