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Flying Christine and The Ex-Motor Torpedo Boat Sea Serpent


About midnight the coastguard reported that a motor launch, which was towing a larger launch, was in difficulties three miles northeast of Owers Lightship. A moderate southwesterly breeze was blowing, and there was a slight swell. The motor life-boat Canadian Pacific was launched at 12.20, but found nothing. She spoke the Owers Lightship and learned that the ex-motor torpedo boat Sea Serpent, with three women and a child on board, was in tow of the motor launch Flying Christine, and that the motor launch had fouled her propeller in towing. Their position was given as one mile north-east of the lightship but, in the darkness, the life-boat could not find them. She received a wireless message at 6.15 that the Flying Christine had reached Shoreham, bringing with her the three women and the child, and at dawn, ten miles east of the lightship, the life-boat found the empty Sea Serpent, which the Flying Christine had cut adrift. She took her to Shoreham, arriving there at 9.30, and returned to her station at two that afternoon. - Rewards, £29 12s..