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February (1)

LYBSTER, CAITHNESS-SHIRE. At 10 o’clock in the morning of the 4th of December, 1945, three men in the motor fishing boat Seaflower, of Wick, had completed hauling their lobster creels, when their boat shipped a sea which stopped the engine. They were about a hundred yards from the shore, off the rocky coast at Achastle, about a mile south-west of Lybster. A fresh south-westerly wind was blowing. The sea was rough. The men let go the anchor at once but it failed to hold and within a few minutes their boat was driven on to a partially submerged rock. She was pounded to pieces, but the men scrambled on to the rock and managed to hold on to it.

A crofter-fisherman, William McGregor, saw the accident from the cliff top. He ran down to his rowing boat, pulled to the spot and at some risk, and with much difficulty, rescued the three men. - Rewards, a letter of appreciation, £2, and 7s. 6d. for a broken oar.

TEIGNMOUTH, DEVON. In the early afternoon of the 21st of January, 1946, two men put out in the outboard motor boat Brian, with a punt in tow, to attend to their crab pots. An easterly breeze was blowing. The sea was fairly rough, with a heavy ground swell, and the boat capsized crossing Teignmouth Bar. Three men put out in a motor boat, found one of the men swimming and the other clinging to the upturned boat, both exhausted, and rescued them. They also recovered the motor boat, her gear, and the punt. - Rewards, £3, 4s. for fuel used, and 16s.

For a boat-hook lost.

SHOREHAM, Sussex. At 8.15 on the night of the 21st of January, 1946, the life-boat motor-mechanic was leaving the life-boathouse, when he saw what he thought was a boat on fire, about 300 yards off the west pier. A light southerly wind was blowing, there was a heavy swell and the night was dark. Motor-mechanic Philcox at once put off single-handed in a motor boat and found the crew of the Pete II burning clothing as flares. She was aground ; her engine had broken down and she was shipping water.

Four were on board. They passed a rope to the motor-mechanic and he was able to tow the boat afloat and take her into harbour.- Rewards, 10s.