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While bound from Montreal for Glasgow with a general cargo the Liverpool steamer Dorelian, of over 6,000 tons, stranded in dense fog on the Island of Sanda off the Mull of Kintyre. The Southend coastguard reported it at 7.32 in the morning and the motor life-boat City of Glasgow was launched at 7.49, in a moderate southerly wind, with a moderate sea. When the life-boat reached the Dorelian her captain said that he hoped to refloat her on the next tide, and the life-boat stood by. The steamer got off on the rising tide, but she was making water and the life-boat escorted her towards Pladda, where she was met by tugs and a salvage vessel. The life-boat then returned to her station, arriving at 5.20 that afternoon, having been out for over nine hours. An increase in the usual money award on the standard scale was made to the crew. Standard rewards to crew and helpers £5 4s. ; additional rewards to crew, £7 ; total rewards to crew and helpers, £12 4s..