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Devon Brook


At 2.14 in the afternoon the Blyth coastguard reported that the Devon Brook was ashore on the rocks a short distance from the east pier in a very bad position. She was bound from London to Blyth, laden with cement, and had a crew of fifteen. A strong south-south-east wind was blowing, with rain squalls. There was a heavy swell. At 2.30 the motor life-boat Joseph Adlam was launched. She found it very difficult to approach the steamer, which was on a rock amidships, swinging about, with heavy seas sweeping over her. But the coxswain, skilfully manoeuvring the life-boat between the pier and the steamer, succeeded in bringing her alongside and rescued the whole crew. He landed them at 3.30 and they were taken to the life-boat watch house. Here they were given hot drinks and food by the Ladies’ Life-boat Guild, and two of the men who had received minor injuries were attended to by the honorary secretary of the Guild, a trained nurse. An increase in the usual money award on the standard scale was made to each member of the crew. Standard rewards to crew and helpers, £5 18s. ; additional rewards to crew, £5 12s. 6d. ; total rewards to crew and helpers, £11 10s. 6d.