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A Water-Logged Empty Boat


At 12.2 in the morning the coastguard reported that cries for help could be heard off the coastguard lookout. A fresh westerly breeze was blowing, with a choppy sea. The motor life-boat The Lord Southborough (Civil Service No. I) was launched at 12.30 and found a water-logged empty boat drifting off Margate jetty and a naval seaman swimming towards the shore. She picked him up exhausted, and he lost consciousness. She landed him at the pier, and when he came to he asked for his two mates The life-boat at once put out but found no one, and returned to her station at two next morning. Later it was learned that the rescued man was one of five seamen returning from the shore to a naval motor fishing vessel, and that two others had been rescued by a pilot boat.- Rewards, £7 14s. (See Margate, “Services by Shore-boats,” page 78.).