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A Small Rowing Boat


At 8.15 in the evening a resident of Cwmyreglwys telephoned to the life-boat station that a small rowing boat, with a man and two women in it, was being blown out to sea. At nine o’clock the motor life-boat White Star was launched in a moderate southeasterly breeze, with rain. The sea was smooth. At Dinas Head the life-boat saw the small boat hauled up and the people standing in a creek. She could not go close in, so they came off in their boat. She took them on board and took their boat in tow.

They had set out to go to Newport, but one of the oars broke and they put into the cove, intending to climb the cliff. They could not do it, and were preparing to spend the night on the shore. The life-boat got back to her station at 10.20. - Rewards, £9 11s..