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Two Danish Motor Fishing Vessels, The Mary Iversen and The Gadanus


At 11.52 in the morning the coastguard reported two Danish motor fishing vessels, the Mary Iversen and the Gadanus, in difficulties on the Inner Middle Sandbank.

A fairly strong south-south-west breeze was blowing, with a moderate sea. The motor life-boat Anne Allen was launched at 12.6 and found the Mary Iversen high and dry.

The Gadanus sailed northwards, and the lifeboat stood by the Mary Iverson until 2.40.

Then the coastguard asked the life-boat to go to the help of the Gadunas. She learnt from her captain that he was getting short of fuel and she arranged with the naval authorities to send out a supply on the turn of the tide. She returned to her station at 3.58.

The Mary Iversen refloated at high tide.- Rewards, £7 7s. 6d..