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The Norseman, of Montrose

OCTOBER 31ST. - KIRKCUDBRIGHT. At 8.5 at night the Portpatrick coastguard reported a fishing vessel making distress signals off the Isle of Whithorn. A strong southerly breeze was blowing, with heavy rain. The sea was very rough. The motor life-boat Morison Watson was launched at nine o’clock and searched for five hours, but in the darkness and rain she could not find the fishing vessel and returned to her station.

She put out again at 2.30 next morning. This time she found the fishing vessel in a dangerous position. She was the Norseman, of Montrose, and her engine had broken down.

The life-boat’s motor-mechanic went on board and, after an hour’s work on her engine, got it running again. The Norseman then set her course for Whitehaven, and the lifeboat returned to her station, which she reached at 11.30 that morning. - Rewards, £44 2s..