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The M.F.V.988, A Minesweeper

NOVEMBER 16TH. - ANSTRUTHER, FIFESHIRE. About 3.45 in the afternoon word was received that a motor fishing vessel had gone on the rocks near Cellardyke. A light north-easterly breeze was blowing, with a moderate swell. There was a thick fog.

The motor life-boat Nellie and Charlie was launched at 4.20 and found the M.F.V.988, a minesweeper, with a crew of four. She had gone over a reef and was trapped on the other side by the ebbing tide. Visibility had by this time been reduced to a few yards. The coxswain fired a line-carrying rocket. It landed on a reef, uncovered by the falling tide, on which some boys were watching the motor fishing vessel. Three of the vessel’s crew got into a rubber raft, and, seizing the rocket line, hauled themselves ashore. The life-boat took off the fourth man by means of a breeches buoy and landed him at Anstruther.

She returned to her station at 5.30 that afternoon.

- Rewards, £14 12s..