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The Liberty Ship Helen Hunt Jackson, of Los Angeles


Notice was received that a doctor would be required on board a steamer which was making for the Downs, and at nine at night the Liberty ship Helen Hunt Jackson, of Los Angeles, arrived. A north-north-west gale was blowing, with a very rough sea. No shore-boat could have gone out, and the motor life-boat Charles Dibdin (Civil Service No. 2) was launched at ten o’clock, with a doctor onboard. Fifty minutes later she reached the steamer, and the doctor treated a man suffering from a severe infection of the throat. The doctor ran considerable risk in boarding the steamer in that sea, and the North Sea pilot and the American crew expressed their admiration of the seamanship of the coxswain and crew of the life-boat.

The life-boat re-embarked the doctor and reached her station again at 12.15 next morning. - Rewards, £19 18s..