The Admiralty Tug Seaman
The Admiralty tug Seaman put out from Montrose with a battle target in tow and the life-boat coxswain on board as pilot. A strong northerly wind was blowing, with a heavy ground swell. The target broke adrift and went ashore on the rocky coast near Scurdy Ness. A call was sent for the lifeboat and at 6.40 in the evening the motor life-boat Good Hope was launched, but her services were not needed and she returned at 7.55 and was moored for the night. In the early morning the tug Seaman went out to attempt to tow the target off the rocks, and as the sea on the bar was now much heavier the coastguard asked the life-boat to go out to escort the tug over the bar. She went at 4.35 and returned at 6.40 with the tug.- Rewards, £18 8s. 6d. and £17 18s. 6d..