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The Admiralty Motor Fishing Vessel No. 641

FEBRUARY 24TH. - ABERYSTWYTH, CARDIGANSHIRE. At 4.20 in the morning the naval base at Milford Haven asked through the coastguard that the life-boat be sent to search for a dinghy which had been reported by an aeroplane about twelve miles north-west of Aberystwyth. The sea was calm, with a light easterly wind. The motor life-boat Frederick Angus was launched at 5.30, and two hours later found the Admiralty motor fishing vessel No. 641, with her engine broken down. She was a new boat which had left Aberystwyth on the afternoon of the 21st for Holyhead, and had a crew of five.

She was in a dangerous position on a lee shore near Sarn Bwch, Towyn Causeway. Two life-boatmen went on board and the life-boat towed her back to Aberystwyth, arriving at 10.50 that morning. - Property salvage case..