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The Admiralty Drifter Nairnside

DECEMBER 28TH. - WHITEHILLS, BANFFSHIRE. At 4.50 in the evening the coastguard reported signals from a vessel about five miles north-east of Whitehills, but the signals could not be understood. A northerly gale was blowing, with a rough sea, and at 5.20 the motor life-boat Civil Service No. 4 was launched. She found the Admiralty drifter Nairnside. The drifter was on passage from Ireland to Buckie, had run past Buckie, and wanted a pilot to take her back.

One of the crew of the life-boat went on board her, and the life-boat then piloted her to Macduff harbour. She returned to her station at 7.40 that night. - Rewards, £17 0s. 6d.